Lanyards – The Brand Ambassador

Lanyards – The Brand Ambassador

Lanyards aren’t just the cords or straps that people usually wear around their neck. It’s much more than that. Having said that, we mean, the importance of a right sized and a right colour lanyard is often underestimated. As a matter of fact, companies that provide microchip enabled smart card with a lanyard to its people for the purpose of a security check at the main entrance of the office, for instance, often under utilised its potential.

You know what such a loss isn’t trivial. In fact, those companies could actually have initiated many conversations with innumerable people one-to-one basis with the help of it and would also would have mastered the art of communication with a zero visibility loss. In the end, brand salience would have scaled a new height. Unfortunately, we often see many people wearing lanyards that are branded poorly. As such, the employers keep losing opportunities to stand out and fail to connect with its’ TG (target group).   

How to decide the right size and colour of a lanyard?

To begin here with the right mindset, it is important to mention that there is no fixed size here that fits all. You will often get to see varied sizes of it in the market. However, the most common sizes are 25mm, 20mm, 15mm, and 10mm. Those are available in different colour combinations, such as one-colour, two-colour, and three-colour, on different materials like nylon, reflective, polyester, heat transfer, and cotton.

Therefore, it is you who are to decide the appropriate size of a lanyard to be used for official purposes. However, the kind of communication such as the logo, visual, and tagline to be printed on it would ideally be the guiding factors of its size and colour in accordance with the brand guidelines. Having said that, we mean, you have the freedom of personalising a lanyard.

Lanyards – the pedigree:

Though it looks trivial, you will be surprised to know that it has a rich history that dates back to the 15th century. France is the country that first introduced ‘lanière‘ (an elongated leather strip for binding things together) to its army with a view to attaching stuff like a whistle and pistol with the uniform temporarily.

Taking lanyards to your advantage:

  • Custom lanyard: You can customise a lanyard bespoke to your need. It means based on your exact requirements, you can use it for the purpose of effective communication with the TG. The best part is that it gives you an opportunity to communicate in a clutter free environment. As such, you get an unprecedented opportunity for your company’s branding at a very low cost.
  • Keeping the morale high: With a branded lanyard, you create opportunities for employee branding as they feel attached to the brand even on the move. This results in higher productivity per employee and an increased employee retention which together contributes to the bottom line.

In short, lanyards are to stay in the long-run and you must take it to your advantage.

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